Fri 10/25/13 8:22 AM13 Comments

Justin Blackmon (hamstring) is listed as probable for Sunday's Week 8 game against the 49ers.


PeterNorth Fri 10/25/13 6:30 PM

Pick 5 Gronkowski, Jordan Reed, Harry Douglass, Wes Welker, Jordy Nelson, Justin Blackmon, Brian Hartline

rjg47 Fri 10/25/13 7:09 PM

Gronk, Welker, Blackmon, Nelson, and Reed. Hartline is kind of boom or bust and Douglas has to face Patrick Peterson. Good luck !

PeterNorth Fri 10/25/13 7:13 PM

Yea thanks man thats what I figured.

rjg47 Fri 10/25/13 10:59 PM

No problem