#4 85.61532-1W11,221.1493.931,120.4886.194
#6 58.38561-2L21,127.7686.751,025.678.896

Round 1

 14 Tue 12/5-Mon 12/11


 15 Tue 12/12-Mon 12/18


 16 Tue 12/19-Mon 12/25
#1  119.02 F
#1  101.38 F
#4  87.34 F
#6  80.5
#5  81.34
#3  86.92
#4  69.48
#6  111.94 F
#2  90.6
#2  155.28 F

2-way tie among DownstairsMixup & TheFrontBortles is broken using Points for in favor of DownstairsMixup
4-way tie among Don't Hurt M…, HingleMcCringleberry, The Glass Cannons & Raynor's Raiders is broken using Points for in favor of Don't Hurt M…
3-way tie among Blacky31, Jhova5665 & Get Ready For Dad is broken using Points for in favor of Blacky31