
Round 1

 15 Tue 12/10-Mon 12/16


 16 Tue 12/17-Mon 12/23


 17 Tue 12/24-Mon 12/30
#1  138.54
#5  156.16 F
#4  111.2
#5  143.34 F
#5  142.2 F
#3  109.34
#6  116.66
#6  135.48 F
#2  135.08
#2  132.12 F

3-way division tie among ChaplnGrillS…, SuperVJ & LA Golds is broken using Head-to-head in favor of ChaplnGrillS…
2-way division tie among TheMahstahs Lucky#16 & Bologang is broken using Head-to-head in favor of TheMahstahs Lucky#16
2-way tie among ChaplnGrillS… & Fatebringer is broken using Head-to-head in favor of ChaplnGrillS…
3-way tie among SuperVJ, LA Golds & Crander47 pr… is broken using Head-to-head in favor of SuperVJ
2-way tie among TheMahstahs Lucky#16 & Bologang is broken using Head-to-head in favor of TheMahstahs Lucky#16
2-way tie among LordBananana… & ghello55 is … is broken using Head-to-head in favor of ghello55 is …