Fri 2/8/13 5:59 PM1 Comment

Shawn Marion said he would not report to a bad team if the Mavs trade him to one at the deadline. Marion is 34 and due $9.3 million next season. He also has a 15 percent trade kicker, making a deal highly unlikely. But that didn't stop him from sending a warning shot. "If I'm going to get traded, they're going to tell me what's going on and where I'm going," Marion. "Because if I'm going to a (expletive) situation, I'm not going. It's just that simple."


Pigskinpooper Fri 2/8/13 6:30 PM

He has the leverage because Cuban was dumb enough to give him the contract. Marion is well past his "best when used by" date. Nobody's gonna deal for the old codger.