
Round 1

 16 Mon 4/9-Sun 4/15


 17 Mon 4/16-Sun 4/22


 18 Mon 4/23-Thu 4/26
#1  1,305.9 F
#1  484.45
#4  1,127.25 F
#4  1,156.85
#5  839.95
#3  1,014.55
#6  1,314.3 F
#6  1,437.1 F
#6  642.95 F
#2  1,219

2-way division tie among hotel ensenada & BALLSUP is broken using Points for in favor of hotel ensenada
2-way division tie among JOHNSON'S BAD BOY'S & TachiTHUG's Team is broken using Points for in favor of JOHNSON'S BAD BOY'S
2-way tie among JOHNSON'S BAD BOY'S & TachiTHUG's Team is broken using Points for in favor of JOHNSON'S BAD BOY'S