JohnnyFang Thu 4/25/13 10:03 AM

Is there some way that I can see the total AB and H that my team has accrued? Similarly -- the underlying IP and ER used to calculate ERA and BB and H for WHIP?


FleaMod Admin Thu 4/25/13 10:28 AM

Thanks for playing in one of the Reddit leagues. In a H2H league you would simply click League->Stats. Here, in a Roto league it is a bit different, you can go to your roster and split it up best by viewing season stats of your players (or daily/weekly) -- link below:

That's probably as close as you can get for now, but we will work on making it more user friendly. Thanks.

JohnnyFang Thu 4/25/13 10:31 AM

Thanks. I saw that but my roster has had some turnover and I was hoping to see the underlying stats that my team had accrued throughout the season counting towards the standings, not what my current roster has had throughout the season. Thanks for looking into it!

FleaMod Admin Thu 4/25/13 10:42 AM

No problem, it's something we will try to tweak down the line to show. It would require some work to cosmetically show that even though the stats are correct in the system that produce the final numbers that are being shown on that page "under the hood."


JohnnyFang Thu 4/25/13 11:55 AM

Great. I have liked Fleaflicker very much so far.