Tue 4/24/12 10:25 AM1 Comment

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says punishment for the players involved in the Saints' bounty scandal is coming "soon." What the hold up is remains unclear, but Goodell did not guarantee justice would be meted out before the draft. He did say he would reject the "just following orders" defense, and that "evidence was clear that the players embraced it." That's bad news for players like MLB Jonathan Vilma, SS Roman Harper and DE Will Smith, who are likely planning to make disgraced former DC Gregg Williams the scapegoat in their inevitable appeals.


joegibbskins07 Tue 4/24/12 8:29 PM

yea, jump on the bandwagon then jump back off and point fingers when you get caught. that whole team is corrupt from top to bottom. the league office should have that team removed from the league.