Thu 2/27/14 8:28 AM2 Comments

Aaron Hernandez has been reassigned to a more restrictive unit of Bristol County Jail following his Tuesday fight. Hernandez's new cell looks the same -- a barren room with a bunk bed and a toilet. But now he has to be in cuffs, complete with a waist chain and leg irons, every time time he leaves his cell. A source tells NECN that Hernandez was not in handcuffs at the time of the fight, but the other inmate was. "I'm not happy that there may have been a breakdown in our system and our protocols," sheriff Thomas Hodgson said. Hernandez is still awaiting trial after pleading not guilty to the murder of Odin Lloyd.


joegibbskins07 Thu 2/27/14 12:38 PM

so he jumped a guy that was in handcuffs? what a pu$$y.

Terry4tw Thu 2/27/14 4:16 PM

for real