
Round 1

 14 Tue 12/7-Mon 12/13


 15 Tue 12/14-Mon 12/20


 16 Tue 12/21-Mon 12/27
#1  85.65 F
#1  67.9
#4  82.45 F
#4  73.95
#5  72.7
#3  82.85 F
#3  65.85 F
#6  61.65
#3  72.05 F
#2  29.45

2-way division tie among steelers & davesboyz is broken using Division Rank in favor of steelers
3-way tie among steelers, davesboyz & team unbeatable
  • Division Rank removes davesboyz; Points for advances team unbeatable
  • New 2-way tie among steelers & davesboyz is broken using Division Rank in favor of steelers
2-way tie among SmittyRules83 & DISPLACED PATS 2 is broken using Points for in favor of SmittyRules83