
Round 1

 15 Tue 12/10-Mon 12/16


 16 Tue 12/17-Mon 12/23
#5  112.36 F
#5  116.48
#8  95.6
#6  119.3 F
#6  128.84 F
#7  79.94

2-way division tie among The Power Bottoms & Adrenaline is broken using Division Rank in favor of The Power Bottoms
2-way tie among Terrible Towelheads & With a dude's balls is broken using Head-to-head in favor of With a dude's balls
2-way tie among DJ Jersey & Heptaflourin… is broken using Head-to-head in favor of DJ Jersey
3-way tie among Puny Playbook, The Power Bottoms & Adrenaline
  • Head-to-head advances Puny Playbook
2-way tie among The Karousing Kits & Charm City Bohemians is broken using Head-to-head in favor of Charm City Bohemians