
Round 1

 14 Tue 12/6-Mon 12/12


 15 Tue 12/13-Mon 12/19


 16 Tue 12/20-Mon 12/26
#1  106.2
#4  105.65 F
#4  97.65 F
#4  128.15 F
#5  82.7
#3  89.55
#6  94.7 F
#6  127.55 F
#6  92.65
#2  85.85

2-way division tie among The Hooligans & BossKiller's Team is broken using Division Rank in favor of The Hooligans
2-way division tie among Eskimo Brothers & spfdchiefsfan is broken using Division Rank in favor of Eskimo Brothers
3-way tie among Rabid Hamsters, Eskimo Brothers & old_dog
  • Points for advances Eskimo Brothers
  • New 2-way tie among Rabid Hamsters & old_dog is broken using Head-to-head in favor of Rabid Hamsters
4-way tie among The Hooligans, BossKiller's Team, Central Paci… & the killa xenzilla
  • Division Rank removes BossKiller's Team; Head-to-head advances the killa xenzilla
  • New 3-way tie among The Hooligans, Central Paci… & BossKiller's Team
  • Division Rank removes BossKiller's Team; Head-to-head advances The Hooligans
  • New 2-way tie among Central Paci… & BossKiller's Team is broken using Head-to-head in favor of Central Paci…