Scoring Breakdown Khem Birch IND@TOR Sun 5/16 '20-21 |
Rule | Pts |
1 point for every Point applied to 18 Points | 18 |
9 points for every 5 Assists (1.8 per) applied to 4 Assists | 7.2 |
-1 point for every Turnover applied to 1 Turnover | -1 |
2 points for every Steal applied to 1 Steal | 2 |
1 point for every Field Goal Made applied to 8 Field Goals Made | 8 |
-1 point for every 2 Field Goal Attempts (-0.5 per) applied to 15 Field Goal Attempts | -7.5 |
1 point for every Free Throw Made applied to 2 Free Throws Made | 2 |
-3 points for every 4 Free Throw Attempts (-0.75 per) applied to 2 Free Throw Attempts | -1.5 |
3 points for every 2 Rebounds (1.5 per) applied to 14 Rebounds | 21 |
Total | 48.2 |