DRTIMBOSLICE Tue 2/20/24 6:35 AM

Come check it out

Holy homerunners

Leave email if can't find

Getdown77 Sun 4/28/24 6:45 AM

Is there still an opening?? If so, here is my email. Mikericci2179@gmail.com. Thx

GTP24 Fri 4/26/24 10:04 AM

No thanks

Escobar99 Sat 2/24/24 10:54 AM

Damn got kicked out for telling the Commish his trades are not ok. Getting Alvarez, Hunter Brown & Gallen and trading away Bailey SF C, Walker AZ, Kershaw IL & Taillon.

Commish is supposed to correct the matter not accept and executing the trade right away. No Vetos so Commish has all the power lol.

From what the Commish says this is his first year running a league and 2nd year playing fantasy baseball.

Escobar99 Sat 2/24/24 12:07 PM

UP_Packfan hit me up I have a league for you


GAMBEE Sat 2/24/24 4:37 PM

have league opening daily line points league

for addition info

gambee 16@aol.com


[Deleted User] Tue 2/20/24 9:22 AM

Curious why was the draft randomly selected then 5 hours later you changed the draft order and you end up with #1 pick ? No thamks

UP_Packfan Tue 2/20/24 12:06 PM

Not only that but he changed the draft date from Tuesday to Monday just over an hour before the draft happened. I was the only one drafting besides him because I just happened to look at the league half an hour before the draft started. He also was making trades in another league he runs giving pennies on the dollar in return for who he is getting. I think, but can't prove, that he has multiple teams in the league and is combining them into one strong team. Look at the activity history on the league.

Stay Clear of his leagues!

Escobar99 Fri 2/23/24 5:28 PM

Legit this Commish is out of his mind. Trades are one sided

Escobar99 Fri 2/23/24 5:28 PM

And Commish is getting the better side of the trade. Don't join this league

motownshock Fri 2/23/24 6:29 PM

got to love the fleaflicker

DRTIMBOSLICE Sun 2/25/24 2:59 AM

Dude you guys are unbelievable it re shuffles before etye draft when u join u pick the one that has first pick that no different . I knew this would happen but why should I hive it up just cause I'm commimsh. I pick 12 n still beat most of u. Fantasy baseball is won in streaming. Like your all grown man.. like this is hilarious

UP_Packfan Sun 2/25/24 9:47 AM

OK Pinocchio! If that was the case why did you reschedule the Tue. draft to Monday night 1:05 before it was held? Why do you make lopsided trades and push them through before the league has had a chance to object? Why does the league activity show that Fleaflicker set the order and then much later it shows that you reset it? Sure you beat people. If you cheat your way through life you will win sometimes. Sometimes it comes back to bite you too! And it is obvious that you are not a grown man. Instead of trying to cheat your way through, join some leagues that are well run and learn how to do things.

[Deleted User] Sat 4/27/24 8:09 PM

OGDISCIPLE just stop typing. You're obviously a young kid because your grammar and spelling are that of a second grader. And when you have to take a paragraph do defend yourself..... You're full of shiz.

DRTIMBOSLICE Sun 4/28/24 3:17 AM

It's been almost 2 months n u frigging babies won't stop pitching like keep fucking moving . You don't need to stop n msg. Your all grown men.. like grow uo

[Deleted User] Sun 4/28/24 5:02 AM

Use spell check!