Thanatos19 Wed 8/20/14 3:04 PM

It claims that the draft must be at least 35 minutes in the future, but I am trying to set it for August 22nd at 9pm EST, which is way more than 35 minutes in the future.

Any help would be appreciated

Thanatos19 Wed 8/20/14 3:07 PM

It appears to believe that today is September 3rd.

FleaMod Admin Wed 8/20/14 3:09 PM

It's showing last year's draft date for your league. Go ahead and switch it to 2014 and you'll be set:

Thanatos19 Wed 8/20/14 3:11 PM

Herp de derp. I just need to move the calendar forward manually?

FleaMod Admin Wed 8/20/14 4:01 PM
