The draft order for future seasons will change according to a team's rank.

New England Patriots 2024 Draft Picks

Draft PickSlotDetailAction
1st round pick1.10 #10Traded to
2nd round pick2.10 #26
3rd round pick3.10 #42Traded to
4th round pick4.10 #58
5th round pick5.10 #74
6th round pick6.10 #90
7th round pick7.10 #105
8th round pick8.7 #117
9th round pick9.7 #129
10th round pick10.5 #139
11th round pick11.3 #146
12th round pick12.3 #153
13th round pick13.3 #160
14th round pick14.3 #166
15th round pick15.2 #170
16th round pick16.2 #172
17th round pick17.2 #174
18th round pick18.2 #176
19th round pick19.1 #177
20th round pick20.1 #178
21st round pick21.1 #179
22nd round pick22.1 #180
23rd round pick23.1 #181Unused
24th round pick24.1 #181Unused
25th round pick25.1 #181Unused
26th round pick26.1 #181Unused
27th round pick27.1 #181Unused
28th round pick28.1 #181Unused
29th round pick29.1 #181Unused
30th round pick30.1 #181Unused
31st round pick31.1 #181Unused
32nd round pick32.1 #181Unused
33rd round pick33.1 #181Unused
34th round pick34.1 #181Unused
35th round pick35.1 #181Unused
36th round pick36.1 #181Unused
37th round pick37.1 #181Unused

New England Patriots 2025 Draft Picks

1st round pick1.10 #10
2nd round pick2.10 #26
3rd round pick3.10 #42
4th round pick4.10 #58
5th round pick5.10 #74
6th round pick6.10 #90
7th round pick7.10 #105
8th round pick8.9 #119
9th round pick9.7 #131
10th round pick10.5 #141
11th round pick11.4 #149
12th round pick12.4 #157
13th round pick13.4 #165
14th round pick14.3 #170
15th round pick15.2 #174
16th round pick16.2 #176
17th round pick17.1 #177
18th round pick18.1 #178
19th round pick19.1 #179
20th round pick20.1 #180
21st round pick21.1 #181Unused
22nd round pick22.1 #181Unused
23rd round pick23.1 #181Unused
24th round pick24.1 #181Unused
25th round pick25.1 #181Unused
26th round pick26.1 #181Unused
27th round pick27.1 #181Unused
28th round pick28.1 #181Unused
29th round pick29.1 #181Unused
30th round pick30.1 #181Unused
31st round pick31.1 #181Unused
32nd round pick32.1 #181Unused
33rd round pick33.1 #181Unused
34th round pick34.1 #181Unused
35th round pick35.1 #181Unused
36th round pick36.1 #181Unused
37th round pick37.1 #181Unused

New England Patriots 2026 Draft Picks

1st round pick1.10 #10
2nd round pick2.10 #26
3rd round pick3.10 #42
4th round pick4.10 #58
5th round pick5.10 #74
6th round pick6.10 #90
7th round pick7.10 #105
8th round pick8.9 #119
9th round pick9.7 #131
10th round pick10.5 #141
11th round pick11.4 #149
12th round pick12.4 #157
13th round pick13.4 #165
14th round pick14.3 #170
15th round pick15.2 #174
16th round pick16.2 #176
17th round pick17.1 #177
18th round pick18.1 #178
19th round pick19.1 #179
20th round pick20.1 #180
21st round pick21.1 #181Unused
22nd round pick22.1 #181Unused
23rd round pick23.1 #181Unused
24th round pick24.1 #181Unused
25th round pick25.1 #181Unused
26th round pick26.1 #181Unused
27th round pick27.1 #181Unused
28th round pick28.1 #181Unused
29th round pick29.1 #181Unused
30th round pick30.1 #181Unused
31st round pick31.1 #181Unused
32nd round pick32.1 #181Unused
33rd round pick33.1 #181Unused
34th round pick34.1 #181Unused
35th round pick35.1 #181Unused
36th round pick36.1 #181Unused
37th round pick37.1 #181Unused