Thu 7/24/14 10:17 AM30 Comments

Justin Blackmon was arrested on marijuana possession charges Wednesday night.


Taiter52 Thu 7/24/14 11:29 AM

some people are just really stupid... you can be making 10 million a season, play for 10-12 years.. then do what ever the F you want... but no im just going to throw my whole life out the window... so stupid

Taiter52 Thu 7/24/14 11:35 AM

so much talent gone down the drain

Amesbear Thu 7/24/14 12:57 PM

He's an addict with obvious need for psychological help. He's sick. He's not stupid, he's sick. Cancer patients aren't stupid, they're sick. This is the same thing.

sethwoodard Thu 7/24/14 1:03 PM

i thought cecil shorts said he was in rehab

RP65 Thu 7/24/14 1:34 PM

Not stupid??? You have got to be kidding me. Comparing drug abuse to cancer is absolutely ridiculous. He's stupid, quit giving the young man excuses. All he has to do is say "NO" to drugs and "YES" to football and he's a multi millionaire. Marijuana is a choice not an illness. Period. Don't care what the so-called liberal maniacs out there want to call it.

sethwoodard Thu 7/24/14 1:41 PM

liberal maniacs? thanks for the laugh of the day

RP65 Thu 7/24/14 1:54 PM

yes, liberal maniacs... definition: Anything and everything goes. Nobody is accountable for their actions. Ethics, values, and customs don't exist. It's my way or the highway. Everyone is racist. Fox is evil. Obama is God. Everything is Bush's fault. ....................

sethwoodard Thu 7/24/14 1:55 PM

I can't believe Obama and the liberal maniacs ruined Blackmon's career like that, dang.

RP65 Thu 7/24/14 2:07 PM

Lol. But that is not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is the liberal maniacs will say Blackmon can't help himself. That his problems are society driven and an illness no different than cancer.

sethwoodard Thu 7/24/14 2:10 PM

dumb choices for sure. it's a shame.

Canik Thu 7/24/14 5:49 PM

Clearly he can't help himself, Ron. He should still suffer consequences, he is still stupid, but you think a sane person would pick a joint over millions of dollars?

You see a retard touching fire over and over and you just think he's being willfully stupid? That there isn't something physically wrong in his head? This isn't much different.

joegibbskins07 Fri 7/25/14 7:17 PM

the comparisons of smoking weed to cancer and the mentally disabled is just silly and way off base. you cant rehabilitate a mentally disabled person, only facilitate and make life easier. you dont have the choice to have or not have cancer and but like having cancer, you have the choice to fight it. this is a case of a weak constitution possibly in conjunction with a poor upbringing. i still crave weed after 10 years but i wont risk my petty 5 digit career for it.

RP65 Fri 7/25/14 8:27 PM

Well said, joegibbskins. I used to get high when I was young and knew all along it was a choice and what the potential issues were. I later joined the Navy (20 years) and never smoked it again since my late teens. Obviously it wasn't a disease or something I couldn't stop doing. Just had to change my priorities. I'm sick of the liberals giving excuses for everything! Everything except items not on their own agenda that is.

joegibbskins07 Fri 7/25/14 9:14 PM

i am a conservative as well but i do find it just as amusing that you can tie politics into football. dont get me wrong, your right about the far left and the way they think but this is football and i dont care what they say about the redskins name, lol.

Taiter52 Fri 7/25/14 11:07 PM

@setheration, it was a bad comparison.. its not hard to not smoke weed. hes an idiot plain and simple

Canik Fri 7/25/14 11:55 PM

It wasn't the best comparison, that's for sure.

I think he is stupid, I just don't think he CHOOSE to be stupid. Then once you are stupid, probably because of poor upbringing, as JoeGibbs touched on, then you're going to go and make stupid choices. Because you're stupid. Because of you're upbringing. Because his parents before him were stupid. Because before that the whole world was stupid. Because we've only had a basic understanding of math and science for a few thousand years.

So this makes Gordon unaccountable right? Not responsible for his actions, right? WRONG! Well, kind of. He shouldn't be hated for being a moron, and therefor making moronic decisions. However, we should try to correct his behavior.

Smoking pot is a really bad subject for this, as it in and of itself isn't that bad, arguably not bad at all. So let's say he murdered someone. Even if it was proven he was mentally disabled, would we let him run around killing people over and over without consequence because it wasn't his choice to be a psychopathic killer, because he has some kind of imbalance in his head, plus a poor upbringing, etc, etc? No, we wouldn't.

My point is just because there is an explanation for virtually everything, because you know, stuff doesn't just happen randomly all the dame time. There are patterns that can be followed, that doesn't mean people shouldn't be held accountable for their actions. It's a natural evolutionary process. If we just ignore all the messed up crap people do, it's not very likely to get better. At the same time, it's not very productive to just hate them in ignorance either.

For some of the far-right, you piss me off because it's like you use conservatism as a reason not to think, and to just embrace hatred and ignorance. I agree with many conservative ideals, but many conservative people are idiots. Just as much as the Liberals.

Stop identifying with either of them. Think for yourselves. Be independent.

joegibbskins07 Sat 7/26/14 9:26 AM

here here!!!

sethwoodard Sat 7/26/14 10:34 AM


RP65 Sat 7/26/14 10:35 AM

Canik, you make a lot of sense here. I do think for myself by the way, I just happen to "think" liberals are destroying this world. Just my "independent" opinion. Not hatred, ignorance, or based on others views. I agree with "Joegibbsskins" that I probably shouldn't have brought politics into this subject and will try not to do so in future posts. The original post comparing cancer to smoking pot really got to me. My wife just finished chemo a month ago and I can assure you her cancer was not a choice nor is she in need of psychological help.

joegibbskins07 Sat 7/26/14 11:30 AM

i wish her the best

sethwoodard Sat 7/26/14 11:44 AM

as a cancer survivor myself, i know that can be hard. hope all goes well and she makes a quick recovery.

RP65 Sat 7/26/14 4:01 PM

Appreciate that. Glad to hear you survived as well. Good luck this year to the both of you.

Canik Sat 7/26/14 5:25 PM

Of course they're destroying the world. They're progressive. Out with the old, in with the new. Sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's good. When conservatives reject all progress, they seem ridiculous and unreasonable. Conservatives accuse Liberals of living in a fairy tale but only in a fairy tale would the world NEVER CHANGE, EVER! This ain't Neverever Land.

Still, sometimes Liberalism goes too far. Some "Liberals" certainly say stupid things, and I can see how the situation with your wife would make you unhappy with the comparison. Hopefully she'll never have to go through anything like that again. :/

joegibbskins07 Sat 7/26/14 7:13 PM

drop the politics please.

[Deleted User] Thu 7/24/14 11:26 AM

Move to Colorado. At least you cant get arrested for it here since its obviously more important than football to ya.

Sethc1020 Thu 7/24/14 11:18 AM

UNREAL!!!! You just can't fix STUPID!!! No more NFL for you!

BGB1656 Thu 7/24/14 10:54 AM

him and gordan should go in to business together always need a good dealer

sethwoodard Thu 7/24/14 10:53 AM

wow. you can't make this stuff up.

smellmine Thu 7/24/14 10:58 AM

What an idiot.

leetowles Thu 7/24/14 12:13 PM

A natural gem