Hadokener_Jones Thu 6/25/15 12:00 PM

When a trade comment is posted, an email is sent to the trade partner with the trade comment, but all email replies get emailed to a noreply address at fleaflicker.

Is it possible to change that so the email replies get sent to the person that posted the trade comment? Either that or make it more clear in the notification email that all responses to the trade comment must be done in the trade window itself?

FleaMod Admin Thu 6/25/15 12:32 PM

It's something we'll ask our programming team to review in the future.

It's done like this now for a few reasons.

But you can still see the comment the other party made and we'll still link you directly to the trade page still. The only feature it won't let you do is reply back by e-mail, similar to how our private messages work -- like you said you can select the link and comment back on the site while looking at the trade.

Thanks for the suggestion and feedback.

Hadokener_Jones Thu 6/25/15 1:25 PM

Yes, the current setup works fine - the only issue is that people who reply to the email might think that they have actually responded to the trade comment, when they haven't. If the noreply address had an autoresponse that pointed out the fact that their message wasn't delivered to their trade partner, that would fix the issue too.

Thank you again for taking feedback! You guys have been great.