Jo-MAma Sun 8/21/16 11:35 PM

Every league has a few unique rules to follow that players should be able to view within the RULES drop down tab. It would be so easy if FF would simply provide an area within the RULES area for the Commish to type in a few rules, reminders, etc where the rest of the league can view them. This would seem to be a very easy fix; nothing needs to be linked, tied, or programmed to other areas of FleaFlicker. Just provide an open text section under RULES where the Commish can type in a few rules, etc. Right now I have to email people various info and later during the season they can't find the e-mail, they say they never saw it, etc. If I could post it in rules it would be there for everyone to read.

Does this sound feasible?

FleaflickerT Admin Tue 8/23/16 4:01 PM

Hello! We are looking at adding something like this in the future -- sort of a sticky note the commish can use for special rules, announcements, etc. For now, the league's Messages forum is the best place to put this, but we agree that it would be a great addition to have another spot for messaging. Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your interest in this feature!

Jo-MAma Sun 8/21/16 11:37 PM

Yes I can enter some things as a 'message', but then those are difficult to find weeks later in the season amongst all the other messages that have been sent.

Jo-MAma Wed 8/24/16 12:43 AM

FF admin, I've been on this site for 10 years now, and I honestly have NEVER seen your group take ANY advice and put it to work. EVERY reply to a suggestion is the same "we are looking at this for the future" and it never gets done. I have made this SAME suggestion for the last 4 years! And like clockwork, you thank me, say you are looking at adding it in the future and then DO NOTHING. I write code and it would take someone no more than 15 minutes to add this simple feature to teh Rules section. Who is the boss over there that allows NOTHING TO GET DONE! WOW

JohnDiaz Thu 9/22/16 3:07 PM

That is one of the things I am nervous about going forward with FleaFlicker. Thankfully, FF does 90% of what my league needs, but the extra 10% is concerning. And I agree - I do get the same statement back from FF staff and nothing seems to ever happen. With any suggestion it seems, not just mine.

Jo-MAma Tue 9/27/16 1:00 PM

I've never ever in 10 yrs with FLEAFLICKER seen them follow through on any suggestion from us players

JohnDiaz Tue 9/27/16 1:27 PM

Well, FleaFlicker must be pretty great for you then if you've been with them for so long.

Vicktorious93 Sun 10/2/16 5:44 PM

That is false, I've seen them implement improvements that have been asked for by the community more then a few times, and I've only been here four years, including the dark theme, the ad-free service and and an improved mobile experience. The problem for Flea is that they're a really small site with limited resources focused on fantasy sports as compared to a site like ESPN, CBS or where they have a ton of resources and the fantasy stuff is more of a side project for them as they basically print money other ways.

Also, I'm sure Sandy proved to be a drain on their time and money and pushed some stuff even farther back.

JohnDiaz Mon 10/3/16 2:29 AM

What is Sandy?

Vicktorious93 Mon 10/3/16 1:46 PM

Giant hurricane, messed with Flea's servers. Site was disabled and I'm sure they had to spend time and money to fix/improve their infrastructure.

JohnDiaz Mon 10/3/16 1:52 PM

Ah - thank you.

Jo-MAma Wed 10/5/16 12:55 AM

ok diaz, I'm just making this shiit up, ok?

JohnDiaz Wed 10/5/16 12:07 PM


DroopyJohnson Thu 10/13/16 11:30 AM

I think I side with Joooo on this matter.. I have made multiple suggestions to FF for changes that I believe should be 2nd nature. Why can't I have players always on waivers and never FA? Why can you edit box scores if H2H but can't edit scores if doing points only??

Dark theme, ad free service? Come on, these are the things you use as justification? Bringing ad free service brings them money two fold.. dark theme, really? Joooo is talking about real changes that have to do with scoring and rules and structure of leagues. Not their site itself to bring in more revenue.